Linking up here with 4th Grade Frolics for a Monday Made it party! I am excited to share a few things with you!
I just love love love Krista's monster clip art!!!
I have had these done for a while now, but don't think I shared them. I am so excited about them because they are so much more organized than they were last year! I am kind of in love with the label in the top corner! I also have two labels on the inside of the folder. I love labeling and organizing things. It's so stinkin fun! It's just a teacher thing ;)
This past week I worked on making a little activity for my word work center that came from The Sisters in their Daily 5 book. The Sisters used non drying clay pressed into lids for the kids to use for word work. I decided against non drying clay and instead went with Crayola's Model Magic. It has such a nice feel to it and isn't sticky at all. I then found these cute little tins at Michaels for about 1.99. So what I did was put a little ball of play dough in the tin and I will smooth it out in the bottom, put a golf tee in there and the kids will be able to quickly get to work writing their words or letters! Of course I could not pass up decorating the outside with washi tape, because washi tape is one of my favorite things ever!
I am excited to try these this year!
Thanks for stopping by! Please make sure to check out all the other fantastic Monday Made It blog posts on 4th Grade Frolics!! That is what I am about to do for some last minute inspiration!
I'm going back to my classroom tomorrow! Say what?? Oh. My. Land.
Sarah :)
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