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Sunday, November 30, 2014

December Currently

Happy December!
Wait... what??
I.Can't.Believe. It. But it sure is exciting!
I hope the rest of you are ready for one of the busiest months of the year. I also hope you are almost done with your Christmas shopping! (I am!)

I am linking up today with Farley for her famous currently link-ups! This is one of my favorites! 

Listening: Once Upon a Time... my new favorite show. This week's episode was AMAZING. I am currently re-watching it with my sisters. 

Loving: I got a lot of wonderful Black Friday deals for my family for Christmas gifts! I can't wait to give them! Did I mention that I did all of my shopping online and did not have to go shopping in all the madness? It was wonderful.

Thinking: No school tomorrow! I have a to-do list! Including getting my last few gifts to complete my Christmas shopping list. Fingers crossed I get it all done! 

Wanting: I mentioned in my last post that I had one assignment to do before the end of the semester. ONE! And it should be done tomorrow. Best. Feeling. Ever.

Needing: I have to make my December Calendars and flash card log. Totally slipped my mind. Oops!!

Giving: This week my store is an additional 20% off. Don't forget to put in the code TPTCYBER at the checkout for additional savings. I have a couple of freebies in my store as well, including my new favorite: What Did the Fox Say? You can check out my store here
I have a few goodies in my cart already too!

Don't forget to link up with the other lovely teachers and see what they are up to! 

Have a fantastic week!

Sarah :)


  1. Happy December!! I have to say I am jealous you have no school tomorrow! :) My sister did most of her shopping online too - there were tons of great deals!
    Are you as excited about the tpt sale as I am? I have been adding to my wishlist....
    I follow you on IG but haven't connected with you yet in the blog world, so glad I found a fellow kinder blogger!
    I also need to catch up on Once Upon a Time. I watched the first season or two, then fell waaaaay behind.
    Happy Monday!

    1. Yes! I completed my TpT shopping already :D I am glad you found my blog as well!!
      As for Once, catch up! Last night's episode was SOOOOO good! :)


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