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Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Classroom Jobs and Daily 5 Year 1

    Just the other day, I shared my new classroom job and management package that is now on my TpT store. Well last night I kicked some butt and got to work! It is now ready to be displayed in my room! Yay! Here is a little sneak peek to show you what more of what you get! I love, love, LOVE the clipart from Whimsy clips! SO cute!

Please check it out here!

But my post is really about the sweet deal I found on! I do not have an Ikea store near me (closest one is about 2 hours), so I have to do my shopping online, most times. This year I am trying out the Daily 5 for the first time! I am a littttttttle scared! I needed something for book boxes and didn't want to spend a lot of on plastic magazine files just yet, so I typed Magazine file in the search bar and VOILA! I found these gems!
5 for $1.49! 5!!!! 
Does it get better than this?? I think not! I got 25 magazine files for just over $7. However, I would suggest going to store itself to get them, because my shipping rate was 15.00! Kind of a bummer :(, but I still ended up saving A LOT of money. I just had to share this teacher steal and deal! I just wish that there was an Ikea store that was closer! But, then again, do I? I know I would probably develop a shopping addiction that would be something awful! ;) 

Short and sweet today! Have a great day! 

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